Watched the destruction of the Bridge.Charm's fans fell into ecstasy and a brawl broke out. The winning rat got a giant piece of cheese, choked on it, and died. The guests laughed on command, so everything went good. The guests remember nothing, but they enjoyed it. Used the archaeological time machine for the first time.Bought your first land in the Village.Preferably after accomplishment of all other achievements. I`m not sure that this save won`t trigger completion of any other achievements.If you don`t want to bother yourself with preparations, you can use my save. For the 'Excellent Events' part of this guide u will need to have some amount of beer, wine and specific food.There is no special timing requirements of completing non storyline achievements so you can do them later. You can go through the plot without thinking about achievements at all. Most of the DLC`s achievements are connected with storyline and it`s impossible to skip them.That's the beginning and first quest of the Stranger Sins DLC. He will ask you to find and dig up the box of cognac. In order to begin DLC storyline you should go to skull Gerry(he is in your morgue).There are spoilers in the achievements` names / descriptions / icons!.This info will make completing DLC storyline and achievements easier. This guide will help you to complete all achievements from Stranger Sins DLC.